in Northern BC
The Northwest - Yellowhead Hwy #16

for Northern BC. Trails
in this area.
Northwest - Yellowhead Highway #16
encompasses one third of British Columbia,
it covers from Tete Jaune Cache in the east, the Queen
Charlotte Islands in the west and borders the Yukon in the North.
Winters are cold and summers are hot in this region, on reaching the west
coast you will come across rain forests, where the climate is milder and
wetter. The Coast, Skeena, Cassiar and Omineca mountain ranges dominate
the north section, while the St. Elias Range takes up the far northwest
portion of this region and BC.
The aboriginal
peoples have lived here for centuries and their culture appears through
the north west. The first Europeans to settle here were the fur traders,
next came the gold seekers and finally the men and women who helped build
the railway. All made their mark on this land and the pioneer spirit prevails.
It's a land of plenty where adventures can be found around every corner.
Lake-Grizzly Den:
Raven Lake-Grizzly Den Recreation Area, 90 km (56 mi.) east of Prince
George is reserved for hikers and cross-country skiers. Access to
both areas is from the Hungary Creek Forest Road. The main system consists
of approximately 15 km (9 mi.) of trails with two public cabins. The honour
system means you must leave the cabins as tidy as you found them.
A four hour
hike to the top of Mount Pope northwest of Fort St. James, will take you
to the highest point in this area. You'll truly enjoy the great views of
Takla Lake, the Nation Lakes and Babine Lake. This is an easy family day
The Babine
Mountains Recreational Area, east of Smithers,
off the Yellowhead Highway provided excellent hiking areas. Other places
to hike in Smithers and the Bulkley Valley are Driftwood Canyon, Twin Falls,
Silver King Basin and Harvey Mountain.
From the city
of Kitimat, in the
Douglas Channel, you will enjoy some very challenging hikes, such as the
hike to the summit of Mount Elizabeth, the Bish Creek Trail, or Hirsch Creek
Falls and Canyon. For complete trail information, and weather conditions
visit the Kitimat Info Centre. The mountains that surround Terrace are packed
with hiking trails and some very splendid scenery. The area in and around
Prince Rupert offer a couple of pleasant short hikes that range from two
to three hours in length and give you a good feel about the rain forests,
the First Nations culture and a good look at the harbour.
Provincial Park:
Located on Graham
Island in the Queen Charlottes
is Naikoon Provincial Park,
with a 94 km (58 mi.) sandy shoreline that is constantly bombarded by the
waters of Hecate Strait. This is a designated ecological reserve, so camping,
fishing of the use of any motorized vehicles are prohibited, do not disturb
nature. Drive north from Skidgate on Highway 16 to the parking lot at Agate
Beach Campground, from here you can do day hiking trips, or even hike the
full 94 km (58 mi) East Beach from Tlell to the tip of Rose Spit. This can
take anywhere from four to six days to complete, be prepared for rain and
harsh winds.
Edziza Provincial Park:
Now for some
very interest back country hiking in Northern BC. Both stamina and experience
are necessary to hike in the Mount Edziza Provincial Park and Recreation
Area. This is wilderness at its finest and some 340 km (210 mi.) north of
Prince Rupert. Take Highway
37 north to Dease Lake and then drive another 118 km (71 mi.) southwest
to Telegraph Creek, a starting point for both horse packers and hikers.
If possible, come in by float plane to one of the five lakes in the park
and then hike out. Mount Edziza which erupted over four million years ago,
spread lave through out the region. Later in years, small eruptions formed
approximately 30 cones, still so young that erosion has not changed them
nor do they support any type of vegetation. In the south is the Spectrum
mountain range. This is unbelieve country, wild and beautiful, man has not
had time to pollute or change it. There are no marked trails, compasses
and maps are your guides. Weather changes suddenly here, rain gear and warm
clothing are needed. Grizzly and black bears roam freely at Edziza, always
be on the lookout. One can not stress too much that this is wilderness hiking,
you must be experienced, self reliant and be tough. To hike across the park
will take from 8 to 11 days and is best trekked between the months of July
and September.
Spatsizi Park
which includes the Gladys lake Ecological Reserve is what a wilderness park
is all about. Venturing into the park means minimum-impact camping and travel.
Hiking Spatsizi is only for extremely well planned and organized trips or
with professional guides. In order to dismiss some of the hardships, flying
in by float plane to Cold Fish Lake is a good opinion, or you can hike in
starting from Iskut on the Stewart
Cassiar Highway. From your base camp at Cold Fish Lake there are a number
of trails and routes exploring the wilderness hiking on the plateau and
alpine meadows. Bring your binoculars, as the area is abundant with animals
and birds. Like all remote wilderness hiking, be ready for all types of
weather, watch for bears, and help preserve the environment. Be safe, have
One of B.C.'s
popular and legendary hikes, the Chilkoot Trail, is located
in this area. This trail dates back to 1898, when the Klondike gold rush
was at it's peak. This 53 km (33 mi) trail is a gruelling up hill climb
and a definite challenge to the brave at heart.