Jan Lee
and her dog Sam.
Jan Lee's Bio
Jan Lee's love for travel began at the age of 11, when
her family moved to Mexico and Guatemala. Although the stay was brief,
it left an indelible mark in her memories. The year was 1965, a promising
time for Mexico, but a troubling one for Central America.
Since that time, she has lived in 7 countries and travelled
in more than 25, including Spain, Israel, Nicaragua, Czechoslovakia
and Yugoslavia. Her initial travels to Central America and Mexico
led her to obtain her Bachelors of Arts in Spanish from Simon Fraser
University, in Burnaby, British Columbia. In addition to writing travel
articles, she occasionally teaches specialized language courses to
boaters and fellow travellers.
Her writings have ranged from articles on travel and
Northwest history to poetry and fiction. She has been published in
Canada, the United States and Mexico.
At the present time, Jan is completing a book on the
history of Shaughnessy Hospital, British Columbia's most famous veterans
hospital. She is a regular contributor to the Bridge River- Lillooet
News and serves on the British Columbia Journalists' Committee for
Freedom of Information.
Jan Lee lives in Lytton, BC, with her husband Jack and
their german shepherd Sam.
Articles by Jan Lee