British Columbia Outdoor Wilderness Guide  |
Can Stock Photo/Oralleff
Eutamias minimus
- The color of this animal varies from muted yellowish-grey
above with tan dark stripes to brownish-grey with black
side stripes. The striped continue to the base of the
tail; the sides are generally an orange-brown; the belly
greyish-white. The tail is long and light brown above,
yellowish below with long, black-tipped hairs. Average
weight is 1-3 ounces.
- This is the most widely occurring species in Canada.
It prefers sagebrush deserts, pastures, piney woods,
rocky cliffs, and open coniferous forests.
- A litter of 5-7 young are born in May in a nest either
underground or in a tree. Main foods include acorns,
seeds, fruits, berries and grasses and to a lesser extent
fungi invertebrates and small vertebrates. The chipmunk
is vulnerable to every carnivore from the weasel to
the grizzly bear. Its call is distinctive and is recognized
by a series of high-pitched chipping notes.