British Columbia Outdoor Wilderness Guide  |
Rufous Hummingbird
Selasphorus rufus
Description - The male has bright rufous upperparts
and flanks and an orange-red throat. The female is green
above with a rufous tinge on the rump and flanks. An abrupt
high pitched call and various thin squealing notes characterize
the voice of this species of hummingbird.
Distribution - This hummingbird breeds from Alaska
south through British Columbia, and in southwestern Alberta;
they winter mainly in Mexico. Their natural habitat is
in mountain meadows and forest edges. During migration
and while wintering they frequent gardens with hummingbird
Biology - The hummingbird are the only birds known
to fly backwards. While feeding, they do not perch but
hover in front of the flower, sipping the nectar and picking
off insects while on the wing. The first bird to a source
of food will protect it. The sexes have separate territories
and the female visits the male at mating time, after which
the male moves away. They lay 2 white eggs in a lichen-covered
cup of plant down and spiderweb attached to a branch.